Over the years there have been 3 major iterations of Annual Juneteenth Celebrations conducted.
From 1993 thru 1999 the Bloomington-Normal Black History Project (BNBHP) hosted a celebration held on the quad of IWU each year..
From 2003 until 2015 the African American Forum hosted a celebration held at Forrest Park each year
The BNBHP relaunched the celebration in 2019. The 2019 event was planned to be an outdoor event but due to rain in the forecast it was held indoors. 2020 was held virtually due to Covid 19 and the critical need to follow social distancing guidelines.
Below are articles from the Pantagraph from each era.
Juneteenth Articles from the 90's - sponsored by BNBHP
1993 until 1999
Juneteenth Articles from the 2000's - sponsored by AAF
2003 until 2015
Juneteenth Articles sponsored by BNBHP
2019 to present